Applicable to institutions in the United Kingdom onlyExam Occurrences

Use the Exam Occurrences screen to record the details of different occurrences when each examination may be taken, or are available. These occurrences are associated with the examinations as appropriate (that is: to make the examination available in a particular time frame).

To add or edit an exam occurrence:

  1. Select Exam Occurrences from the Grids pane.

    Exam Occurrences

  2. Click the Add button on the Exams Manager ribbon to add a new exam occurrence.

    Add Button

    Alternatively, use the Condition Builder to locate and edit an existing exam occurrence.

    Note: The grid can be filtered to display BTEC- or C&G-specific fields by selecting from the filters drop-down menu in the grid toolbar.

    Exam Occurrences grid board filters

    If required, you can navigate to other Grids screens relating to the exam occurrence by right-clicking on the relevant record and using the Go To functionality. Refer to Use the Go To Functionality for further information.

  3. Enter or update the required details in the Exam Occurrence Details section.

    Exam Occurrence Details Panel

The fields in the Exam Occurrence Details section are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Board Code The exam board code.
Board Type The exam board type.
Exam Code The user-definable exam code for this examination, subject, paper, and so on.
Board Occurrence The user-defined exam board occurrence code.
Exam Name The user-definable exam name for this examination, subject, paper, and so on.
Confirmed The number of confirmed candidates.
Candidates The total number of candidates.
Unconfirmed The number of unconfirmed candidates.
Exam Date The date of this examination within this examination occurrence.
Day of Week The day of the week the exam takes place on. This is populated automatically on selection of the exam date.
Start The start time of this examination within this examination occurrence.
Finish The end time of this examination within this examination occurrence.
Generate Timetable

Whether the system should generate a timetable.

Note: This can only be selected if the exam date falls within a board occurrence session range and the Start and Finish fields are populated.

Edit in Timetable Whether the exam occurrence is editable within the timetable.
Funding Year The funding year in which the exam occurrence exists.
Fee The fee relating to the exam in the selected occurrence. This could be used as a registration fee or resit fee, depending on the exam board.
BTEC Appeal Date

The latest date on which an appeal can be made to challenge an awarded result. This is supplied as part of the BTEC basedata.

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

BTEC Ass. Type

The assessment type of the unit (for example: MC – Multiple-Choice, SA – Short Answer, P - Portfolio, ET - Exemption (Test), EP – Exemption (Portfolio)). This is supplied as part of the BTEC basedata.

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

BTEC Cert End

The NVQ/GNVQ certificate end date.

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

BTEC Comp Date

The planned completion date for on this BTEC programme.

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

BTEC Enrol Date

The planned enrolment date for this BTEC programme.

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

BTEC Order Date

The date to which the test orders apply (for example: for Jan 2018 series, enter 01/01/2018).

Note: This is applicable to BTEC exam boards only.

CG Block Cands

The number of candidates in a ‘block candidates’ entry. It is recommended that this is not used and any block registrations are done via the City and Guilds Walled Garden.

Note: Applicable to City & Guilds exam boards only.

Room Code

The main room code that the exam will be taken in (if it is a unit or paper).

Note: Extra rooms can be added in ebs: shape.

Invigilator Person Code

The main invigilator that will be responsible for the exam (if it is a unit or paper).

Note: Extra invigilators can be added in ebs: shape.

Notes A field for writing notes regarding the exam.
Is Seated

Whether this exam has been seated.

Note: If the exam is seated, then the Exam Date, Day of Week, Start and End fields cannot be edited.

Create Child Occurrences

Whether to automatically enter mandatory child exams when a learner is entered for this exam.

Note: This field cannot be edited once the record is saved.

  1. Click the Save button to save the record.

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